Pengfei Zuo

I am currently a research scientist at Huawei Cloud. I am leading the MemArts (Memory Architecture and System) team to build a disaggregated memory and cache layer in the Huawei cloud. I received my Ph.D. degree (advised by Prof. Yu Hua) in Computer Science from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in 2019 and was a visiting Ph.D. student (advised by Prof. Yuan Xie) at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) during 2018-2019. I received a B.E. degree in Computer Science from HUST in 2014.

My research interests span memory and storage systems, distributed systems, and machine learning systems. I have published 30+ refereed papers in major conferences and journals in the areas of computer systems and architectures, including SOSP, OSDI, MICRO, ASPLOS, FAST, USENIX ATC, VLDB, DAC, etc. I obtained the 2020 ACM China Doctoral Dissertation Award (only two awardees among all computer disciplines across China every year) and the Best Paper Award in FAST 2023.



I am looking for motivated interns and postdocs in the areas of computer systems. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in addressing important problems in the industry and publishing influential papers.


  • Our paper “Cost-Efficient Large Language Model Serving for Multi-turn Conversations with CachedAttention” was accepted by USENIX ATC’2024. Congratulations to Bin Gao!

  • Our paper “Ditto: An Elastic and Adaptive Memory-Disaggregated Caching System” was accepted by SOSP’2023. Congratulations to Jiacheng!

  • Our paper “SMART: A High-Performance Apative Radix Tree for Disaggregated Memory” was accepted by OSDI’2023. Congratulations to Xuchuan!

  • Our paper “ROLEX: A Scalable RDMA-oriented Learned Key-Value Store for Disaggregated Memory Systems” received the Best Paper Award of FAST 2023!

  • Our two papers “FUSEE: A Fully Memory-Disaggregated Key-Value Store” and “ROLEX: A Scalable RDMA-oriented Learned Key-Value Store for Disaggregated Memory Systems” were accepted by FAST 2023. Congratulations to Jiacheng and Pengfei!

  • Our paper “uKharon: A Membership Service for Microsecond Applications” was accepted by USENIX ATC 2022!

  • Our paper “RACE: One-Sided RDMA-Conscious Extendible Hashing” was accepted by ACM Transactions on Storage as an invited paper!

  • Our paper “FORD: Fast One-sided RDMA-based Distributed Transactions for Disaggregated Persistent Memory” was accepted by FAST 2022. Congratulations to Ming!

  • Our paper “FINEdex: A Fine-grained Learned Index Scheme for Scalable and Concurrent Memory Systems” was accepted by VLDB 2022. Congratulations to Pengfei!

  • I was awarded with 2020 ACM China Doctoral Dissertation Award!

  • Our paper “One-sided RDMA-Conscious Extendible Hashing for Disaggregated Memory” was accepted by USENIX ATC 2021!

Selected Publications

Full Publication List

Awards and Honors

  • Best Paper Award in FAST 2023.
  • ACM China Doctoral Dissertation Award, 2020. (Only two awardees among all computer disciplines across China every year.)
  • ACM SIGOPS ChinaSys Doctoral Dissertation Award, 2020.
  • CCF Doctoral Dissertation Award Nominee, 2020.
  • Student Grant from MICRO, 2019.
  • Shenzhen Stock Exchange Scholarship, 2019.
  • Finalist for the Memorable Paper Award in NVMW 2019.
  • National Scholarship for Ph.D. Graduate Students, 2018.
  • Student Grant from OSDI, 2018.
  • Student Grant from MICRO, 2018.
  • National Scholarship for Ph.D. Graduate Students, 2017.
  • ZhiXing Excellent Graduate Scholarship, 2015.
  • Excellent Graduate Student in HUST, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018.
  • Award of Excellent B.E. Thesis in Hubei Province, 2014.

Professional Services

PC Member at conferences:

  • NSDI 2025
  • Cloud 2021, 2022
  • ICDCS 2021
  • CloudCom 2020
  • ICPADS 2020
  • ChinaSys 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
  • Eurosys 2019 (Shadow)

Reviewer for Journals:

  • IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)
  • IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC)
  • ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS)
  • IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC)
  • IEEE Micro


12/2021 “One-sided RDMA-Conscious Extendible Hashing for Disaggregated Memory”, Invited Talk in CCF Sys 2021. Hangzhou, China
08/2021 “One-sided RDMA-Conscious Extendible Hashing for Disaggregated Memory”, Invited Talk in the Young Scientists of Computing Academy (YSCA) workshop in TURC 2021. Hefei, China
12/2020 “The Growing Course of A PhD in Computer System and Architecture”, Invited Talk in the 19th ChinaSys workshop. Chongqing, China
01/2020 “The Growing Course of A PhD in Computer System and Architecture”, Invited Talk in the 2nd Summit Forum of SKL of Computer Architecture. Beijing, China
12/2019 “SuperMem: Revitalizing the Write-through Cache for Secure Persistent Memory”, Invited Talk in the 17th ChinaSys workshop. Zhuhai, China
03/2019 “Write-Optimized and High-Performance Hashing Index Scheme for Persistent Memory”, Presentation in the 10th Non-volatile Memory Workshop (NVMW 2019). San Deigo, USA
10/2018 “Improving the Performance and Endurance of Encrypted Non-volatile Main Memory through Deduplicating Writes”, Paper Presentation in the 51st International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO 2018). Fukuoka, Japan
10/2018 “Write-Optimized and High-Performance Hashing Index Scheme for Persistent Memory”, Paper Presentation in the 13th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 2018). Carlsbad, USA
09/2018 “Write-Optimized and High-Performance Hashing Index Scheme for Non-volatile Memory”, Invited Talk in the 24th National Conference of Information Storage (NCIS 2018). Beijing, China
06/2018 “Mitigating Traffic-based Side Channel Attacks in Bandwidth-efficient Cloud Storage”, Paper Presentation in the 32nd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2018). Vancouver, Canada
04/2018 “A Write-friendly and Cache-optimized Hashing Scheme for Non-volatile Memory Systems”, Invited Talk in the Aliyun-CCF Excellent Paper Exchange Meeting, Shanghai Jiaotong University. Shanghai, China
09/2017 “A Write-friendly Hashing Scheme for Non-volatile Memory Systems”, Invited Talk in the 23th National Conference of Information Storage (NCIS 2017), Northwestern Polytechnical University. Xi’an, China
06/2017 “BEES: Bandwidth- and Energy- Efficient Image Sharing for Real-time Situation Awareness”, Paper Presentation in the 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2017). Atlanta, USA
05/2017 “A Write-friendly Hashing Scheme for Non-volatile Memory Systems”, Paper Presentation in the 33rd International Conference on Massive Storage Systems and Technology (MSST 2017). San Jose, USA
05/2017 “A Cost-efficient Rewriting Scheme to Improve Restore Performance in Deduplication Systems”, Paper Presentation in the 33rd International Conference on Massive Storage Systems and Technology (MSST 2017). San Jose, USA
06/2015 “An Efficient Cuckoo Hashing Scheme for Cloud Storage Systems”, Invited Talk in the 8th ChinaSys workshop, Xiamen University. Xiamen, China