1 安装Mercurial
2 安装GEM5
使用hg clone
hg clone http://repo.gem5.org/gem5
3 配置hgrc文件
3.1 打开hgrc文件:
vim ~/.hgrc
3.2 把以下内容加入到hgrc文件中,并将相关配置(如:username
# Set the username you will commit code with
username=Your Name <your@email.address>
ssh = ssh -C
# Always use git diffs since they contain permission changes and rename info
qrefresh = --git
email = --git
diff = --git
# These are various extensions we find useful
# Mercurial Queues -- allows managing of changes as a series of patches
hgext.mq =
# PatchBomb -- send a series of changesets as e-mailed patches
hgext.patchbomb =
# External Diff tool (e.g. kdiff3, meld, vimdiff, etc)
hgext.extdiff =
# Fetch allows for a pull/update operation to be done with one command and automatically commits a merge changeset
hgext.fetch =
# Path to the style file for the M5 repository
# This file enforces our coding style requirements
style = /path/to/your/m5/util/style.py
method = smtp
from = Your Name <your@email.address>
host = your.smtp.server.here
4 下载NVMain
4.1 注册bitbucket账号;
4.2 按照NVMain网站上的说明获取NVMain的使用权;
4.3 进入GEM5根目录,使用hg clone
5 安装NVMain补丁
5.1 进入GEM5根目录;
5.2 Initialize queues in gem5:
hg qinit
5.3 Import the NVMain patch:
hg qimport -f ./nvmain/patches/gem5/nvmain2-gem5-10688+
5.4 Apply the patch:
hg qpush
6 编译GEM5 with NVMain
scons EXTRAS=nvmain ./build/X86/gem5.opt